Screening for Compost
We will screen the final pile with mobile trommel screen at 6.0 mm. opening size. Those passing through sieve is almost our final product. Bigger sizes are mainly, unfinished and large sizes organics, they are to be re-pile again in newly batch mixture. These materials are rich in microbial populations and will help starting new piles to full activity in short time. Compost to be process at this stage should have 45% moisture or a bit lower in order for perfect screening.
Trommel Screen
Trommel Screen
Those compost that passed through 6.0 mm. screen, will be kept under roof for at least 15 days for Maturing. Maturing will help cool down the compost, make it more stable and promote longer shelf life after bagging.
Some portions of the compost after maturing, will undergo pelletizing process to make pellets. Pellets are actually very compacted and compressed version of the compost. They are much reduced in moisture and are 5.0 mm. in diameter and 10 mm. in length. Pellets are much denser and will fix itself on ground after applying, they will start cracking in the first week of application and last upto 2 months.
Pelleting Machine
Mature Compost will be bagged to required size bag, before shipping out. Automatic weighing station will ensure correct weight is bagged into pouch before delivery.